Interim Basic Policy for Mild Spelling Reform of English


Not every silent letter will be cut. 

Short vowels are spelled with a, e, i, o, and u.

Deal with unphonetic digraphs and trigraphs.

Deal with "gh"/f/.

Deal with "ch"/k/.


Avoid "split digraphs". (Derivatives are affected.)

◎a-e⇒ae (make→maek)

◎e-e⇒ee (extreme→extreem)

◎i-e⇒-y-e (nice→nyce)

◎o-e⇒oe (home→hoem)

◎u-e⇒ue (cute→cuet)


Retain good digraphs.

/eɪ/ a(e), ai, -ay, ei(gh)

/iː/ e(e), ea, (i), (y)

/aɪ/ i(e), -y(e), -igh ; eye, buy

/oʊ/ o(e), oa, oh ; (eau)

/juː/ u(e), eu, ew ; (-ugh)

/uː/ oo ; u(e), eu, ew

/ʊ/ oo, u


Fix bad digraphs & trigraphs, OUGH & AUGH.