"CH" with /k/ sound

"ch" with /k/ sound

When 'ch represents the sound /k/, use 'c' before 'a', 'o', 'u', e.g., 'corus', 'caracter'. Use 'k' before 'i', 'e', 'y', e.g., 'kemmist, 'skism', 'kiropractor'.

ch/k/ >>> c,k,ck
--- caracter, caotic, arkive, kemical, logomaky, psyke, ecko, stomack/stummac.

And "ecko" for "echo".

When 'ch' is pronounced as /sh/, just leave it as is.
--- ex. parachute, machine, chique.


achondrite --- acondrite
acholia --- acolia
ache --- ake, or aik
aching --- aking, or aiking
alchemy --- alkemy
anachronism --- anacronism
anarch --- anark
anarchism --- anarkism
anarchy --- anarchy
anchor --- ancor
anechoic --- anecoic, aneckoic
archeology --- arkeology
archipelago --- arkipelago
architect --- arkitect
architecture --- arkitecture
archive --- arkive
Bacchus --- no change, or Baccus?
batrachian --- batrakian
cachinnate --- cakinnate, or cakinate
catechism --- catekism
chalaza --- calaza
chameleon --- cameleon
chaos --- caos
chaotic --- caotic
character --- caracter
charisma --- carisma
chasm --- casm
chemical --- kemical
chemistry --- kemistry
chloroform --- cloroform
chlorophyl(l) --- clorophyl(l)
chomophyte --- comophyte
chondrite --- condrite
chondroma --- condroma
chondrule --- condrule
chrome --- crome
chromium --- cromium
chronicle --- cronicle
dichotomy --- dicotomy
echidna --- ekidna
echinoid --- ekinoid
echo --- ecko
epoch --- epoc
epochal --- epocal
eschatology --- escatology
eschaton --- escaton
Eucharist --- Eucarist
hi-tech --- hi-tec (trademark?)
leprechaun --- leprecaun
Mach, mach
masochism --- masokism
masochist --- masokist
mechanism --- mecanism
mocha --- moca
monarch --- monark
monarchy --- monarky
monochrome --- monocrome
moschate --- moscate
oche --- ockee
ochre --- ocre, (or oker?)
orchestra --- orkestra
orchid --- orkid
orchis --- orkis
pachyderm --- pakyderm
psych --- psyke
psychic --- psykic
psychology --- psycology
psychosis --- psycosis
saccharin --- saccarin
salchow --- salcow
scheme --- skeme, or skeem
scholar --- scolar, (or scollar?)
scholastic --- scolastic
school --- scool, or skool
sepulchre --- sepulcre, (or sepulker?)
stomach --- stomac, or stomack
synarchy --- sinarky
synchro --- sincro
synchronize --- sincronize
tachometer --- tacometer
technology --- tecnology
trichite --- trikite
tychism --- tykism

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