Traditional Spelling | --- Simpler Spelling |
are (as in "you are") | --- ar |
aren't | --- arn't |
were | --- wer |
weren't | --- wern't |
bomb --- bom
bomber --- bommer
bombing --- bomming
comb --- coam
combe, coomb(e) --- coom, cohm
tomb --- toom
womb --- woom
In "bombard", "bombast", "combat", and "wombat", the internal "b" is pronounced, so shood not be dropped.
debt --- det, dett
doubt --- dout
subtle --- suttle
limb, limbed, limbing, climb, climbed, climber, climbing, chimb
--- lim, limmed, limming, clime, climed, climer, climing, chime
Homophones may exist.
subpoena --- subpena, (subpeena)
In this word, "b" has to be retained.
achondrite | --- acondrite |
acholia | --- acolia |
ache | --- ake, or aik |
aching | --- aking, or aiking |
alchemy | --- alkemy |
anachronism | --- anacronism |
anarch | --- anark |
anarchism | --- anarkism |
anarchy | --- anarchy |
anchor | --- ancor |
anechoic | --- anecoic, aneckoic |
archaic | --- arcaic |
archaism | --- arcaism |
archeology | --- arkeology |
archipelago | --- arkipelago |
architect | --- arkitect |
architecture | --- arkitecture |
archive | --- arkive |
Bacchus | --- no change, or Baccus? |
batrachian | --- batrakian |
cachinnate | --- cakinnate, or cakinate |
catechism | --- catekism |
chalaza | --- calaza |
chameleon | --- cameleon |
chaos | --- caos |
chaotic | --- caotic |
character | --- caracter |
charisma | --- carisma |
chasm | --- casm |
chemical | --- kemical |
chemistry | --- kemistry |
chloroform | --- cloroform |
chlorophyl(l) | --- clorophyl(l) |
chomophyte | --- comophyte |
chondrite | --- condrite |
chondroma | --- condroma |
chondrule | --- condrule |
Christ | |
Christmas | |
chrome | --- crome |
chromium | --- cromium |
chronicle | --- cronicle |
dichotomy | --- dicotomy |
echidna | --- ekidna |
echinoid | --- ekinoid |
echo | --- ecko |
epoch | --- epoc |
epochal | --- epocal |
eschatology | --- escatology |
eschaton | --- escaton |
Eucharist | --- Eucarist |
hi-tech | --- hi-tec (trademark?) |
leprechaun | --- leprecaun |
Mach, mach | |
masochism | --- masokism |
masochist | --- masokist |
mechanic | --- mecanic |
mechanical | --- mecanical |
mechanism | --- mecanism |
mocha | --- moca |
monarch | --- monark |
monarchy | --- monarky |
monochrome | --- monocrome |
moschate | --- moscate |
oche | --- ockee |
ochre | --- ocre, (or oker?) |
orchestra | --- orkestra |
orchid | --- orkid |
orchis | --- orkis |
pachyderm | --- pakyderm |
psych | --- psyke |
psychic | --- psykic |
psychology | --- psycology |
psychosis | --- psycosis |
saccharin | --- saccarin |
salchow | --- salcow |
scheme | --- skeme, or skeem |
scholar | --- scolar, (or scollar?) |
scholastic | --- scolastic |
school | --- scool, or skool |
sepulchre | --- sepulcre, (or sepulker?) |
stomach | --- stomac, or stomack |
synarchy | --- sinarky |
synchro | --- sincro |
synchronize | --- sincronize |
tachograph | --- tacograf |
tachometer | --- tacometer |
technical | --- tecnical |
technology | --- tecnology |
trichite | --- trikite |
tychism | --- tykism |
When 'ch' is pronounced as /sh/, just leave it as is. --- ex. parachute, machine, chique.
fuchsia | --- fucia (rather than fusha and fusia) |
yacht | --- yot, (yott) |
Each short vowel has to be spelled with one single letter.
If any short vowel is spelled with two or three vowel letters combination, it shood be regarded as an exception to be
The "gh" digraf shood be respelled with f or ff when it sounds like /f/.
bough --- no change
plough --- plow
hiccough --- hiccup
cough --- coff
trough --- troff
chough --- (chuff)(Homophones exist.)
enough --- enuff
rough --- ruff
tough --- tuff
dough --- doh
doughnut --- donut
furlough --- furlow, furloe(?)
although --- altho
though --- tho
through --- thru
thorough --- (thoro)
borough --- (boro)
Insted of "nought", we often use "naught". But we cannot use "aught" for "ought", both of which should be retained.
Why not respell "ough" as "au", as to these words?
Traditional Spelling--- Simpler Spelling with "gh" dropped |
afterthought--- afterthaut |
besought--- besaut |
bought--- baut |
brought--- braut |
forethought--- forethaut |
fought--- faut |
nought--- naut |
overwrought--- overwraut |
sought--- saut |
thought--- thaut |
wrought--- wraut |
However, these two words below hav no analogy to the above-mentioned words.
doughty --- dowty
drought --- drout
Spellings of words where "-augh-" has "af" sound
draught--- draft |
laugh--- laff |
laughter--- lafter |
Spellings of words where "-augh-" has au/aw sound
Traditional Spelling--- Simpler Spelling with "gh" dropped |
aught--- no change(?) |
caught--- caut |
daughter--- dauter, dawter |
distraught--- distraut |
fraught--- fraut |
haughty--- hauty |
manslaughter--- manslauter |
mistaught--- mistaut |
naught--- naut |
naughty--- nauty |
onslaught--- onslaut |
self-taught--- self-taut |
slaughter--- slauter |
taught--- taut |
uncaught--- uncaut |
untaught--- untaut |
For more -augh- words, please visit
straight --- strate (to distinguish from "strait")
aweigh | --- awey (to distinguish from "away") |
eight | --- eit (not "ait") |
eighteen | --- eiteen |
eighty | --- eity |
freight | --- freit (not "frate") |
freighter | --- freiter (not "frater") |
inveigh | --- invey |
neigh | --- ney (to distinguish from "nay") |
neighbor | --- neibor, (nabor) |
neighborhood | --- neiborhood, (naborhood) |
neighboring | --- neiboring, (naboring) |
sleigh | --- sley (to distinguish from "slay") |
weigh | --- wey (to distinguish from "way") |
weight | --- weit (to distinguish from "wait") |
height --- hite, (hyte)
sleight --- slyte (cf. sly)
-igh, -ight
-igh, -ight --- They hav Long I sound, folloed by silent "gh".
high | --- hi, (hy) |
highland | --- hiland, (hyland) |
highlight | --- hilite, (hylite) |
highway | --- hiway, (hyway) |
nigh | --- nie |
sigh | --- sie |
thigh | --- thie (cf. thy) |
-ight --- alight, aright, bight, blight, bright, brighten, daylight, delight, delightful, enlighten, enlightenment, fight, fighter, fighting, firefighter, flight, fright, frighten, frightened,
highlight, knight, light, lightening, lightning, might, mighty, night, nightie, plight, right, righteous, sight, slight, tight, tonight, twilight, upright
Many of them can be simplifyed ...
bright | --- brite |
brighten | --- briten |
daylight | --- daylite |
delight | --- delite |
delightful | --- deliteful |
enlighten | --- enliten |
enlightenment | --- enlitenment |
firefighter | --- firefiter |
flight | --- flite, (or flyte) |
fright | --- frite |
frighten | --- friten |
frightened | --- fritened |
highlight | --- hilite |
knight | --- knite |
light | --- lite |
lightening | --- litening |
lightning | --- litening |
might | --- (pending) |
mighty | --- (pending) |
night | --- nite |
nightie | --- nitie |
plight | --- plite |
right | --- rite |
righteous | --- riteous |
sight | --- (pending) |
slight | --- slite |
tight | --- tite |
tonight | --- tonite |
twilight | --- twilite |
upright | --- uprite |
Use "f" (or "ff") insted. The "ph" digraf shood be respelled with f or ff when it sounds like /f/.
aphorism --- aforism, (or afforism?)
apostrophe --- apostrofe, (or apostrofy)
atmosphere --- atmosfere
atrophy --- atrofy
autotroph --- autotrof
bathyscaphe --- bathyscafe
biphenyl --- bifenyl
bumph --- bumf
cacophonous --- cacofonous
cacophony --- cacofony
caliph --- calif
calligraphy --- calligrafy
catastrophe --- catastrofe, (or catastrofy)
cenotaph --- cenotaf
cipher --- cifer
cypher --- cyfer
decipher --- decifer
digraph --- digraf
dystrophy --- dystrofy
elephant --- elefant
ephemera --- efemera
ephemeral --- efemeral
epigraph --- epigraf
epitaph --- epitaf
euphemism --- eufemism
glyph --- glyf, glyff
gopher --- gofer
graph --- graf
hemisphere --- hemisfere
homophobe --- homofobe
homophobia --- homofobia
homophone --- homofone
homophony --- homofony
hyphen --- hyfen
isomorph --- isomorf
lymph --- lymf
metamorphic --- metamorfic
metamorphose --- metamorfose
metamorphosis --- metamorfosis
metaphor --- metafor
metaphysics --- metafysics
misophonia --- misofonia
morph --- morf
nephew --- nefew, (nevew)
nephrite --- nefrite
nephritis --- nefritis
nephrosis --- nefrosis
nymph --- nymf
ophidian --- ofidian
ophthalmic --- ofthalmic
ophthalmology --- ofthalmology
orphan --- orfan
orphanage --- orfanage
pamphlet --- pamflet
phenix --- fenix
philosophy --- filosofy
phlegm --- flem, (flegm)
phlegmatic --- flegmatic
phobia --- fobia
phoenix --- foenix, fenix
phon --- fon
phone --- fone
phoneme --- foneme
phonetic --- fonetic
phoney --- foney
phonic --- fonic
phonics --- fonics
phony --- fony
photograph --- fotograf
phthisis --- fthisis
physical --- fysical
physics --- fysics
prophecy --- profecy
prophet --- profet
sapphire --- saffire
sphere --- sfere
spherical --- sferical
spheroid --- sferoid
stenograph --- stenograf
stenography --- stenografy
sulphur --- sulfur
sycophant --- sycofant
symphonic --- symfonic
symphony --- symfony
tachograph --- tacograf
telegraph --- telegraf
thermograph --- thermograf
trophy --- trofy
typhlitis --- tyflitis
typhoid --- tyfoid
typhoon --- tyfoon
typhus --- tyfus
zephyr --- zefyr, zeffyr, zeffer
no change --- haphazard, shepherd, Stephen, uphill, uphold, etc.
asthma --- asma
isthmus --- (istmus)
thyme --- tyme
"Posthumous" has more than one pronunciation.
break --- braik
great --- grait
steak --- staik
yea --- yay
abreast | --- abrest |
ahead | --- ahed, (ahedd?) |
airhead | --- airhed |
already | --- alreddy |
bedstead | --- bedsted |
bread | --- bred, (bredd?) |
breadth | --- bredth |
breakfast | --- brekfast |
breast | --- brest |
breath | --- breth |
cleanliness | --- clenliness |
cleanse | --- clenze, clense |
dead | --- ded |
deadline | --- dedline |
deadly | --- dedly |
deaf | --- def, deff? |
deafen | --- deffen |
(dealt) | --- delt |
death | --- deth |
dread | --- dred |
dreadful | --- dredful |
dreadnaught | --- drednaut |
dreamt | --- dremt |
endeavor | --- endevor |
farmstead | --- farmsted |
feather | --- fether |
head | --- hed |
header | --- hedder |
heading | --- hedding |
headline | --- hedline |
headstart | --- hedstart |
health | --- helth |
healthy | --- helthy |
heather | --- hether |
heaven | --- heven |
heavy | --- hevy |
homestead | --- homested |
instead | --- insted |
jealous | --- jellous |
jealousy | --- jellousy |
lead | --- ledd (to distinguish from "led", the past tense and past participle of "lead") |
leady | --- leddy |
leapt | --- lept |
leather | --- lether |
leaven | --- leven |
meadow | --- meddo, meddoe |
(meant) | --- (ment) |
measure | --- mesure |
peasant | --- pesant |
pheasant | --- phesant |
pleasant | --- plesant |
pleasure | --- plesure |
(read) | --- redd (to distinguish from "red", the color of blud) |
ready | --- reddy |
realm | --- relm |
spread | --- spred |
stead | --- sted |
steady | --- steddy |
steadfast | --- stedfast |
stealth | --- stelth |
sweat | --- swet |
sweater | --- swetter |
thread | --- thred |
threat | --- thret |
threaten | --- thretten |
treachery | --- trechery |
tread | --- tred |
treadle | --- treddle |
treadmill | --- tredmill |
treasure | --- tresure |
unhealthy | --- unhelthy |
unleaded | --- unledded |
unsteady | --- unsteddy |
wealth | --- welth |
wealthy | --- welthy |
weapon | --- weppon |
(weather) | --- wether (Homophones: wether, whether) |
zealot | --- zellot |
zealotry | --- zellotry |
zealous | --- zellous |
bury --- bery (to distinguish from "berry")
friend --- frend
heifer --- heffer
jeopardy --- jeppardy, jepardy
leopard --- leppard, lepard
said --- sed
says --- no change
bear | --- bair |
pear | --- peir (to distinguish from "pair" and "pare") |
tear | --- tair (verb) |
swear | --- swair |
wear | --- wair |
forbear | --- forbair |
forswear | --- forswair |
outwear | --- outwair |
en passant
aerial --- airial
canary --- canairy
scarce --- scairce
hearken | --- harken |
heart | --- hart |
hearth | --- harth |
dearth | --- derth |
earl | --- erl |
early | --- erly |
earn | --- ern |
earner | --- erner |
earnest | --- ernest |
earnings | --- ernings |
earth | --- erth |
earthen | --- erthen |
earthy | --- erthy |
heard | --- (herd) |
hearse | --- herse |
learn | --- lern |
learner | --- lerner |
learned /-d/ | --- lerned |
learned/-Id/ | --- lernid |
learning | --- lerning |
pearl | --- perl |
pearly | --- perly |
rehearsal | --- rehersal |
rehearse | --- reherse |
research | --- reserch |
search | --- serch |
unheard | --- (unherd) |
unlearn | --- unlern |
yearn | --- yern |
yearning | --- yerning |
beaut--- beut |
beauteous--- beuteous |
beautician--- beutician |
beautiful--- beutiful |
beautify--- beutify |
beauty--- beuty |
bureaucracy--- burocracy |
bureaucrat--- burocrat |
heifer --- heffer
ceiling --- ceeling
deceit --- deceet
deceive --- deceeve
receipt --- receet
receive --- receeve
seize --- seeze
seizure --- seezure
leisure --- lesure, (or leisure)
either, neither
jeopardy--- jepardy |
leopard--- lepard |
people--- peeple, (or peple?) |
yeoman--- yoman, (or yoeman?) |
sew--- soe (cf. foe, hoe, Joe, roe, toe, woe) |
sewing--- soeing (cf. Boeing) |
sewn--- soen |
Use "i" to respell these words.
business --- bizness (alreddy in use)
busy --- bisy
pretty --- pritty
sieve --- siv
(women)---(wimmen, wimmin)
ado | --- adoo |
approval | --- aprooval |
approve | --- aproove |
bosom | --- (boosom) |
disapprove | --- disaproove |
do | --- no change (, or "doo"?) |
hairdo | --- hairdoo |
improve | --- improove |
improvement | --- improovement |
lose | --- no change |
loser | --- no change |
move | --- moove |
movement | --- moovement |
movie | --- moovie |
prove | --- proove |
redo | --- no change |
removal | --- remooval |
remove | --- remoove |
reprove | --- reproove |
tomb | --- toom |
undo | --- no change |
who | --- no change |
whom | --- no change |
whose | --- no change |
wolf | --- pending |
woman | --- no change |
womb | --- woom |
abroad | --- abraud |
broad | --- braud |
broadcast | --- braudcast |
cocoa --- cocoe
whoa --- whoe
These words do not rhyme with "boa", "Samoa", or "zoa".
amoeba, coelacanth, foetus, oenophile, phoenix, subpoena
--- ameba, celacanth, fetus, oenophile, phenix, subpena
canoe --- canoo
shoe --- shue
does | --- dus, (duz) |
doesn't | --- dusn't, (duzn't) |
blood | --- blud |
bloody | --- bluddy |
flood | --- flud |
flooding | --- fludding |
door --- dor
floor --- flor
court --- cort
course --- corse (A homograph exists.)
source --- sorce
pour --- poar
mourn --- moarn
mourning --- moarning (to distinguish from "morning")
journal --- jurnal
journey --- jurney
adjourn --- adjurn
sojourn --- sojurn
courage --- currage
discourage --- discurrage
encourage --- encurrage
flourish --- flurrish
nourish --- nurrish
Just drop the silent letter "i". Add the silent letter "e" when needed.
bruise | --- bruse |
cruise | --- cruse |
decruit | --- decrute |
fruit | --- frute |
juice | --- juce |
juicy | --- jucy |
nuisance | --- nusance |
recruit | --- recrute |
sluice | --- sluce |
suit | --- sute |
suitable | --- sutable |
What about "bruit" and "puisne"?
Just drop the silent letter "i".
view | --- vew |
overview | --- overvew |
preview | --- prevew |
review | --- revew |
could --- cood
should --- shood
would --- wood
colonel --- curnel
balm, calm, napalm, palm, psalm, salmon
calf, half, halve, baulk, chalk, stalk, talk, walk
folk, yolk, holm, (solder)
aisle --- yle
debris --- debree
island --- iland
isle --- ile
islet --- ilet
lisle --- lile
mesne --- mene
viscount --- vicount
Split digraphs : a_e, e_e, i_e, o_e, u_e.
Why split? Why not put them together?
Why not ae, ee, ie, oe, ue? They wood merge with "polite vowels".
(However, "nice" cannot be "niec". Wood be "nyce".)
Avoid "split digraphs". (Derivatives are affected.)
◎a-e⇒ae (make→maek)
◎e-e⇒ee (extreme→extreem)
◎i-e⇒-y-e (nice→nyce)
◎o-e⇒oe (home→hoem)
◎u-e⇒ue (cute→cuet)
Retain the dubbled consonant letters in words when followed by endings such as -e, -ed, -en, -er, -est, -et, -ing, -a, -o, -y. For example: steppe, missed, sudden, supper, biggest, bonnet, cutting, gonna, hippo, happy, etc.
Retain the dubbled consonant letters at word end. For example: add, butt, err, inn, jazz, miss, off, purr, sell, etc.
cough == coff
enough == enuff
laugh == laff
rough == ruff
tough == tuff
trough == troff
archive == arkive
chameleon == cameleon
chaos == caos
chaotic == caotic
character == caracter
Optionally, use "f" for the "ph" when it has the /f/ sound.
apostrophe == apostrofy
catastrophe == catastrofy
cenotaph == cenotaf
elephant == elefant
epitaph == epitaf
phantom == fantom
photograph == fotograf
sophisticate == sofisticate
telephone == telefoen
(However, we retain "phat" and "phishing", for example)
Remoove surplus letters. Not every silent letter will be cut. Retain initial letters. Retain ck, tch, and wh.
alignment == (alinement)
asthma == asma
beauty == beuty
bureaucracy == burocracy
chaos == caos
comb == coam ("Cut one, add one.")
feather == fether
juice == juice (to avoid a split digraph "u_e")
juicy == juicy (to avoid a split digraph "u_e")
knight == knight (Retain an initial silent letter.)
night == night (Retain a mixed trigraph "-igh".)
pleasure == plesure
ready == reddy ("Cut one, add one.")
realm == relm
steady == steddy ("Cut one, add one.")
tomb == toom ("Cut one, add one.")
womb == woom ("Cut one, add one.")