The content of this page is subject to change.
Numbers ar subject to change.
- above = (abuv)
- abroad = abraud
- ache = ake or aik
- adjourn = adjurn
- aerial = airial
- aerify = airify
- again = ---
- against = ---
- aghast = agast
- ahead = ahedd
- aisle = yle
- align = aline
- alignment = alinement
- almond = ---
- alms = ---
- alphabet = alfabet
- already = alreddy
- although = altho
- amateur = ---
- ambush = (amboosh)
- anarchy = anarky
- anchor = ancor
- ancient = (aincient)
- anemone = (anemony)
- answer = anser
- any = ---, (eny)
- anybody = ---
- anyone = ---
- anything = ---
- anyway = ---
- anywhere = ---
- approve = approove
- architect = arkitect
- architecture = arkitecture
- archive = arkive
- are = ar
- aren't = arn't
- arrange = ---
- arrangement = ---
- arrow = (arroe)
- asphalt = asfalt
- assign = assine
- assure = (ashure)
- asthma = asma
- atmosphere = atmosfere
- attorney = atturney
- awe = ---
- aye = ---
- balm = ---
- bargain = ---
- bass /beis/ = bace
- bassist = bacist
- bear = bair
- bearing = bairing
- beautiful = beutiful
- beautify = beutify
- beauty = beuty
- become = (becum)
- beefsteak = beefstaik
- behalf = ---
- bellow = (belloe)
- below = (beloe)
- bestow = (bestoe)
- billow = (billoe)
- biography = biografy
- biscuit = biskit
- blood = blud
- bloody = bluddy
- blow = (bloe)
- blown = (bloen)
- bomb = bom
- bomber = bommer
- bombing = bomming
- borough = burro
- borrow = (borroe)
- bosom = boosom
- both = both, (boath?)
- bought = baut
- boulder = boalder, (bolder?)
- boulevard = (boolevard)
- bouquet = (bookay)
- bow = (boe)
- bowl = (boal)
- bread = bred, bredd?
- breadth = bredth
- break = braik
- breaker = braiker
- breakfast = brekfast
- breakthrough = braikthru
- breast = brest
- breath = breth
- bristle = (brissle)
- broad = braud
- broadcast = braudcast
- broadcaster = braudcaster
- broadcasting = braudcasting
- brooch = (broach)
- brougham = (bruam?)(broham?)
- brought = braut
- bruise = bruse
- build = (bild)
- building = (bilding)
- built = (bilt)
- bull = ---
- bullet = ---
- bulletin = ---
- bullion = ---
- bully = ---
- bungalow = (bungaloe)
- buoy = ---
- buoyant = ---
- bureaucracy = burocracy
- bureaucrat = burocrat
- bureaucratic = burocratic
- burgher = (burger)
- burial = berial
- burrow = (burroe)
- bury = bery
- bush = (boosh)
- bushel = (booshel)
- business = bisness, bizness
- bustle = (bussle)
- busy = bisy
- butcher = (bootcher)
- buy = ---
- buyer = ---
- calf = caf, calf
- caliph = calif
- calm = ---
- campaign = campain, campane
- canoe = canoo
- captain = (capten)
- carcase = carcass
- castle = (cassle)
- catastrophe = catastrofy
- caught = caut
- ceiling = ceeling
- cenotaph = cenotaf
- certain = (certen)
- certainly = (certenly)
- chamber = (chaimber)
- chameleon = cameleon
- champagne = champain, champane
- change = (chainge)
- chaos = caos
- chaotic = caotic
- chaplain = (chaplen)
- character = caracter
- characteristic = caracteristic
- charisma = carisma
- chasm = casm
- chauffeur = ---, (shoefer!?)
- chemical = kemical
- chemist = kemist
- chemistry = kemistry
- chieftain = (chieften)
- child = ---
- chocolate = (chocolat)
- choir = ---, (quier!?)
- cholera = colera
- chord = cord
- chorus = corus
- Christ = ---, (Criste?)
- Christian = (Cristian?)
- Christmas = (Cristmas?)
- chronicle = cronicle
- circuit = cirkit
- cleanse = clense, (clenze?)
- climate = (climat)
- climb = (clime)
- climber = climer
- climbing = climing
- cocoa = cocoe
- colleague = colleag
- colonel = curnel
- color = (cullor)
- column = ---
- comb = coam
- come = (cum)
- comely = (cumly)
- coming = (cumming)
- comrade = comrad, comrade
- conceit = conceet
- conceive = conceev(e)
- consign = consine
- contrabass = contrabace
- contour = (contoor)
- control = control, (controle)
- controller = controler
- controlling = controling
- corps = (cor)
- cough = coff
- could = cood
- couldn't = coodn't
- country = (cuntry?)
- couple = cupple
- courage = currage
- courageous = currageous
- courier = (coorrier)
- course = corse
- court = cort
- courteous = curteous, corteous
- courtesy = curtesy, cortesy
- cousin = (cuzzin!)
- covenant = (cuvenant)
- cover = ---
- covet = (kuvet?)
- crepe = crape
- crow = (croe)
- cruise = cruse
- crumb = crum
- cuckoo = (coockoo?!)
- cupboard = (cubbord)
- curtain = (curten)
- cushion = (cooshion)
- czar = (zar)
- damn = ---
- danger = (dainger)
- dangerous = (daingerous)
- daughter = dauter
- dead = ded
- deadline = dedline
- deadly = dedly
- deaf = def, (deff)
- deafen = deffen
- dealt = delt
- dearth = derth
- death = deth
- debris = debri?, debree?
- debt = det, dett
- debtor = dettor
- debut = (debue?), (debu!?)
- deceit = deceet
- deceive = deceev(e)
- definite = definit
- deign = dein
- depot = depo
- desert = ---
- design = desine
- dessert = (dezert?)
- destine = destin
- determine = determin
- discipline = disciplin
- discourage = discurrage
- discourse = discorse
- discover = ---
- discovery = ---
- do = (doo)
- doctrine = doctrin
- does = dus
- doesn't = dusn't
- dolphin = dolfin
- don't = (doen't)?
- done = (dun)
- door = (dor)
- doorway = (dorway)
- double = dubble
- doubt = dout
- doubtful = doutful
- doubtless = doutless
- dough = doe, doh
- doughnut = donut
- doughty = dowty
- doughy = doey, (dohey?)
- dove = (duv)
- downpour = downpoar
- dozen = (duzzen)
- dread = dred
- dreadful = dredful
- drought = drout
- dumb = dum
- earl = erl
- early = erly
- earn = ern
- earnest = ernest
- earth = erth
- eaves = (eavs)
- echo = ecko
- eh = eih(!)
- eight = eit
- eighteen = eiteen
- eighth = eith
- eighty = eity
- either = ---
- elbow = (elboe)
- elephant = elefant
- elves = (elvs)
- emphasize = emfasize
- encourage = encurrage
- endeavor = endevor
- engine = engin
- enlighten = enliten
- enlightenment = enlitenment
- enough = enuff
- epitaph = epitaf
- epoch = epoc
- ere = ---
- escargot = escargo
- etiquette = etikette(?)
- Europe = Europ(!)
- everywhere = everywhare(!)
- ewe = ew(?)
- exaggerate = exagerate
- exalt = exault?
- examine = examin
- exchange = (exchainge)
- exhaust = exaust
- exhibit = exibit
- extraordinary = (extrordinary?)
- eye = ---
- falcon = ---
- famine = famin
- fasten = fassen
- fastener = fassener
- fatigue = (fateeg)
- favorite = favorit
- feather = fether
- feign = fein
- fellow = (felloe)
- feminine = feminin
- fiery = firey
- flight = flite, flyte
- flood = flud
- flooding = fludding
- floor = (flor)
- flourish = flurrish
- flow = (floe)
- folk = (foak), (foke)
- follow = (folloe)
- follower = (folloer)
- following= (folloeing)
- forehead = forehed
- foreign = forin, (forren)
- forfeit = forfet
- forgive = forgiv
- fought = faut
- fountain = (founten)
- four = (foar)
- fourteen = (foarteen)
- fourth = foarth
- freight = freit
- freightage = freitage
- freighter = freiter
- friend = frend
- friendly = frendly
- friendship = frendship
- front = (frunt)
- frontier = (fruntier)
- fruit = frute
- fruition = ---
- full = ---
- fully = ---
- furrow = (furroe)
- gallows = (galloes)
- garage = (garaage?!)
- gauge = gage, (gaige)
- genuine = genuin
- geography = geografy
- ghastly = gastly
- ghost = goast (cf. coast, roast, toast)
- ginger = ---
- give = (giv)
- given = ---
- glisten = glissen
- glove = (gluv)
- glow = (gloe)
- gone = (gon)
- grange = (grainge)
- granite = granit
- graphite = grafite
- great = grait
- greatly = graitly
- gross = ---, (grose)
- grotesque = grotesk
- group = groop, grupe
- grow = (groe)
- grown = (groen)
- growth = (groeth)
- guarantee = garantee
- guaranty = garanty
- guard = gard
- guardant = gardant
- guardian = gardian
- guinea = guinney(!)
- half = ---
- hallow = (halloe)
- halve = ---, (halv)
- handkerchief = (hankerchif)
- handsome = (handsom)
- have = hav
- haven't = havn't
- head = hedd
- header = hedder
- heading = hedding
- health = helth
- healthy = helthy
- heard = herd
- hearken = harken
- heart = hart
- hearth = harth
- heather = hether
- heaven = heven
- heavily = hevily
- heavy = hevy
- heifer = heffer
- height = hight, hite
- heir = ---, eir
- hemisphere = hemisfere
- heroine = heroin
- hoard = (hord)
- hollow = (holloe)
- honest = (onnest)
- honey = ---
- honeycomb = honeycoam
- honor = ---
- horde = (hord)
- hour = ---
- hurrah = hoorrah
- hustle = hussle
- hymn = ---, hym
- hypocrite = hypocrit
- I've = I'v
- imagine = imagin
- improve = improove
- improvement = improovement
- income = (incum)
- indebted = indetted
- indictment = inditement(!), indytement(?)
- infinite = infinit
- injure = injur, injure
- instead = insted
- insurance = inshurance
- intestine = intestin
- intrigue = intreeg
- iron = iorn(!)
- island = iland
- isle = ile
- isthmus = istmus
- jealous = jellous
- jealousy = jellousy
- jostle = jossle
- journal = jurnal
- journalism = jurnalism
- journalist = jurnalist
- journey = jurney
- juice = juce
- juicy = jucy
- key = kee
- knight = knite
- knoll = knole
- know = (knoe)
- knowledge = knolledge
- known = (knoen)
- lacquer = lacker
- lamb = lam
- laugh = laff, laf
- laughter = laffter, lafter
- lawsuit = lawsute
- lava = ---
- league = leag
- learn = lern
- leather = lether
- leaven = leven
- leisure = lesure, leisure
- leopard = leppard, lepard
- lettuce = lettus
- lichen = liken, lichen
- limb = lim
- -limbed = -limmed
- liquor = licor, liccor
- listen = lissen
- listener = lissener
- listening = lissening
- light = lite
- lightening = litening
- lighter = liter(!) cf. litre
- lightning = litening
- live = liv
- live-in = liv-in
- livelong = livlong
- live-out = liv-out
- loathsome = (loathsom)
- loose = ---
- lose = ---
- love = (luv)
- lovely = (luvly)
- lover = (luver)
- low = (loe)
- lower = (loer)
- machine = macheen
- machinery = macheenery
- magazine = magazeen
- maneuver = (manoover)
- manger = (mainger)
- many = ---, (meny)
- marine = (mareen)
- marrow = (marroe)
- masculine = masculin
- masquerade = maskerade
- massacre = (massaker)
- mayonnaise = mayonaze
- meadow = meddoe, (medow)
- meant = (ment)
- measure = mesure
- mechanical = mecanical
- mechanism = mecanism
- medicine = medicin
- melancholy = melancoly
- memoir = ---
- metamorphosis = metamorfosis
- microphone = microfone
- minute = (minnut), minit
- mischief = (mischif)
- mischievous = (mischivous)
- mitochondria = mitocondria
- monarch = monark
- monarchy = monarky
- money = ---
- mortgage = (morgage)
- mosquito moskeeto
- most = ---
- mountain = (mounten)
- mourn = moarn
- move = moove
- movement = moovement
- mover = moover
- movie = moovie
- mow = (moe)
- muscle = muscel
- mustache = mustash(!)
- narrow = (narroe)
- naughty = nauty
- neigh = ney
- neighbor = neibor, nabor
- neighborhood = neiborhood, naborhood
- neighboring = neiboring, naboring
- neither = ---
- nephew = nefew
- nestle = nessle
- night = nite
- ninth = nineth
- none = nun(!?)
- nothing = (nuthing)
- nought = naut
- nourish = nurrish
- nuisance = nusance
- numb = num
- nymph = nymf
- oblique = (obleek?)
- of = ---
- off = ---
- often = ---
- olive = (oliv)
- once = (wunce)
- one = (wun)
- only = ---, oenly (?!)
- opposite = opposit
- orchestra = orkestra
- orphan = orfan
- other = ---
- ought = ---, aught(?!)
- ourselves = (ourselvs)
- overcome = (overcum)
- overview = overvew
- overweigh = overwey
- overweight = overweit
- owe = oe(?!)
- own = oan
- owner = oaner
- palm = ---
- pamphlet = pamflet
- paragraph = paragraf
- parliament = parlament
- patriot = ---
- patrol = patrol, (patrole)
- pear = peir
- pearl = perl
- peasant = pesant
- people = peeple
- perceive = perceeve
- persuade = perswade
- persuasion = perswasion
- persuasive = perswasive
- phantom = fantom
- phase = fase
- pheasant = fesant
- phenomenon = fenomenon
- philosophy = filosofy
- phone = fone
- phonograph = fonograf
- phosphate = fosfate
- phosphoric = fosforic
- photograph = fotograf
- phrase = frase
- physical = fysical
- physician = fysician
- physique = fysique, fyseek?
- picturesque = picturesk
- pillow = (pilloe)
- pint = (pinte)
- pique = piek (!)
- plague = plaig
- plaid = plad
- plait = ---, (plat)
- pleasant = plesant
- pleasure = plesure
- pneumonia = neumonia, (pneumonia)
- police = (poleece?!)
- poll = poal(?!)
- porcelain = (porcelen)
- porpoise = (porpus)
- portrait = (portret)
- possess = posess
- possession = posession
- poultry = poltry
- pour = poar
- prayer = (prair)
- premise = premiss (n)
- premise = premise (v)
- prestige = (prestiege)
- pretty = pritty
- promise = promiss
- prophet = profet
- prove = proove
- psalm = ---
- psych = psyke
- psychic = psykic
- psychology = psycology
- pudding = ---, pooding (?!)
- punish = punnish
- punishable = (punnishable)
- punishment = (punnishment)
- purchase = (purchass)
- purpose = purposs
- pursuit = pursute
- push = ---
- put = ---
- rainbow = (rainboe)
- range = (rainge)
- raspberry = rasberry, razberry
- ravine = raveen
- read = red, redd
- readily = reddily
- readiness = reddiness
- ready = reddy
- realm = relm
- receipt = receet
- receive = receeve
- rehearse = reherse
- reign = rein, rane
- remove = remoove
- requisite = requisit
- research = reserch
- researcher = resercher
- reservoir = ---
- resign = resine
- respite = respit, respite
- restaurant = ???
- review = revew
- rhetoric = retoric
- rheumatism = reumatism
- rhinoceros = rinoceros
- rhyme = ryme, rime
- rhythm = rythm
- rind = rinde(?!)
- rogue = roag
- roll = roal, role
- rouge = ---, rooge
- rough = ruff
- route = ---
- routine = rooteen, ruteen
- row = (roe)
- rustle = russle
- ruthless = ---, (rutheless)
- said = sed
- salmon = (sammon), salmon
- sanguine = sanguin
- sapphire = saffire
- sault = su(!), soo(!)
- says = ---
- scarce = scairce
- scarcely = scaircely
- schedule = skedule, shedule
- schematic = skematic
- scheme = skeme
- scholar = scolar
- scholarship = scolarship
- scholastic = scolastic
- school = scool
- schooner = scooner
- scourge = scurge
- scroll = scrole
- search = serch
- seize = seeze
- sepulcher = sepulcre, sepulker
- sergeant = sergent, (sargent)
- sew = soe
- shadow =(shadoe)
- shallow = (shalloe)
- shelves = (shelvs)
- shepherd = shepperd
- shoe = shue
- should = shood
- shoulder = sholder
- shove = (shuv)
- shovel = (shuvel)
- show = ---, (sho)
- shown = ---, (shoen)
- sieve = (siv)
- sign = (sine)
- silhouette = silhooette(!)
- ski = skee
- slaughter = slauter
- sleigh = sley
- sleight = slyte
- slow = (sloe)
- slowly = (sloely)
- sluice = sluce
- snow = (snoe)
- sojourn = sojurn
- solemn = ---, (sollem)
- some = (som?)
- somehow = (somhow)
- someone = (somwun)
- something = (somthing)
- sometime = (somtime)
- sometimes = (somtimes)
- somewhat = (somwhat)
- somewhere = (somwhare)
- son = ---
- sophisticated = sofisticated
- sorrow = (sorroe)
- sought = saut
- soul = soal
- soup = (soop), (supe)
- source = sorce
- sovereign sovren
- sow /sou/ = (soe)
- sparrow = (sparroe)
- sphere = sfere
- sponge = (spunge)
- spread = spred
- stead = sted
- steadfast = stedfast
- steadily = steddily
- steady = steddy
- steak = staik
- stealth = stelth
- stealthy = stelthy
- stenographer = stenografer
- stomach = stummac
- stow = (stoe)
- straight = strate
- strange = (strainge)
- stranger = (strainger)
- stroll strole
- study = (studdy)
- suasion = swasion
- suasive = swasive
- suave = ---
- suavity = ---
- subpoena = subpena
- subtle = suttle
- suede = (swade?)
- sugar = shugar
- suit = sute
- suite = swete, (suite)
- sure = shure
- surely = shurely
- survey = (survay)
- swallow = (swalloe)
- swear = swair
- sweat = swet
- sweater = swetter
- swollen = swolen
- sword = sord
- symphony = symfony
- tachograph = tacograf
- tachometer = tacometer
- tallow = (talloe)
- tear = tair
- technical = tecnical
- technique = tecneek?, tecnique?
- telegraph = telegraf
- telephone = telefone
- themselves = themselvs
- there = (thare)
- therefore = (tharefore)
- they're = they'r
- they've = they'v
- thieves = thievs(?)
- thistle = thissle
- thorough = (thurro), thoro
- thoroughly = (thurroly), thoroly
- though = tho
- thought = thaut
- thread = thred
- threat = thret
- threaten = thretten
- threatening = threttening
- through = thru
- throughout = thruout
- throw = throe
- thrown = (throen)
- thumb = thum
- tiresome = (tiresom)
- toll = toal, tole
- tomb = toom
- tomorrow = (tomorroe)
- tongue = (tung)
- tortoise = (tortus)
- touch = tuch, tutch
- tough = tuff
- tour = (toor)
- tourist = (toorist)
- tournament = turnament, (toornament, tornament)
- tow = (toe)
- toward = ---, (tord)
- towards = ---, (tords)
- treacherous = trecherous
- treachery = trechery
- tread = tred
- treadle = treddle
- treadmill = tredmill
- treasure = tresure
- treatise = treatis
- treble = (trebble)
- triple = (tripple)
- triumph = triumf
- troll = (trole)
- trophy = trofy
- trouble = trubble
- troublesome = trubblesom(e)
- trough = troff
- truth = (trueth), truth
- two = ---
- typhoid = tyfoid
- uncouth = uncooth
- underweight = underweit
- undoubtedly = undoutedly
- unfriendly = unfrendly
- unhealthy = unhelthy
- unique = ---
- unknown = unknoen
- unleaded = unledded
- unsteady = unsteddy
- vague = vaig
- vaudeville = vaudevill
- victuals = vittles
- view = vew
- villain = (villen)
- vineyard = vinyard
- vogue = voag
- wallow = (walloe?)
- water = wauter
- we're = we'r
- we've = we'v
- wealth = welth
- wealthy = welthy
- weapon = weppon
- wear = wair
- weather = wether
- Wednesday = Wensday
- weigh =wey
- weight =weit
- weird = weerd
- welcome = (welcum)
- were = wer
- weren't = wern't
- where = ---, (whare)
- wherefore = (wharefore)
- wherever = (wharever)
- whistle = whissle
- whole = (hoal)
- wholesome = hoalsom(e)
- whoop = (hoope?)
- widow = (widdoe)
- willow = (willoe)
- window = (windoe)
- wolf = woolf
- wolves = woolv(e)s
- woman = (wooman)
- womb = woom
- women = wimmen
- woolly = wooly
- would = wood
- wouldn't = woodn't
- wound = woond (n)
- wrestle = wressle
- wrought = wraut
- yacht = yot
- yea = yay
- yearn = yern
- yellow = (yelloe)
- yeoman = yoman, yoeman
- you = ---
- young = yung
- your = ---
- yours = ---
- yourself = ---
- youth = yuth, yooth
- zealot = zellot
- zealous = zellous