Irregular Spellings in English

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Numbers ar subject to change.

  1. above = (abuv)
  2. abroad = abraud
  3. ache = ake or aik
  4. adjourn = adjurn
  5. aerial = airial
  6. aerify = airify
  7. again = ---
  8. against = ---
  9. aghast = agast
  10. ahead = ahedd
  11. aisle = yle
  12. align = aline
  13. alignment = alinement
  14. almond = ---
  15. alms = ---
  16. alphabet = alfabet
  17. already = alreddy
  18. although = altho
  19. amateur = ---
  20. ambush = (amboosh)
  21. anarchy = anarky
  22. anchor = ancor
  23. ancient = (aincient)
  24. anemone = (anemony)
  25. answer = anser
  26. any = ---, (eny)
  27. anybody = ---
  28. anyone = ---
  29. anything = ---
  30. anyway = ---
  31. anywhere = ---
  32. approve = approove
  33. architect = arkitect
  34. architecture = arkitecture
  35. archive = arkive
  36. are = ar
  37. aren't = arn't
  38. arrange = ---
  39. arrangement = ---
  40. arrow = (arroe)
  41. asphalt = asfalt
  42. assign = assine
  43. assure = (ashure)
  44. asthma = asma
  45. atmosphere = atmosfere
  46. attorney = atturney
  47. awe = ---
  48. aye = ---
  49. balm = ---
  50. bargain = ---
  51. bass /beis/ = bace
  52. bassist = bacist
  53. bear = bair
  54. bearing = bairing
  55. beautiful = beutiful
  56. beautify = beutify
  57. beauty = beuty
  58. become = (becum)
  59. beefsteak = beefstaik
  60. behalf = ---
  61. bellow = (belloe)
  62. below = (beloe)
  63. bestow = (bestoe)
  64. billow = (billoe)
  65. biography = biografy
  66. biscuit = biskit
  67. blood = blud
  68. bloody = bluddy
  69. blow = (bloe)
  70. blown = (bloen)
  71. bomb = bom
  72. bomber = bommer
  73. bombing = bomming
  74. borough = burro
  75. borrow = (borroe)
  76. bosom = boosom
  77. both = both, (boath?)
  78. bought = baut
  79. boulder = boalder, (bolder?)
  80. boulevard = (boolevard)
  81. bouquet = (bookay)
  82. bow = (boe)
  83. bowl = (boal)
  84. bread = bred, bredd?
  85. breadth = bredth
  86. break = braik
  87. breaker = braiker
  88. breakfast = brekfast
  89. breakthrough = braikthru
  90. breast = brest
  91. breath = breth
  92. bristle = (brissle)
  93. broad = braud
  94. broadcast = braudcast
  95. broadcaster = braudcaster
  96. broadcasting = braudcasting
  97. brooch = (broach)
  98. brougham = (bruam?)(broham?)
  99. brought = braut
  100. bruise = bruse
  101. build = (bild)
  102. building = (bilding)
  103. built = (bilt)
  104. bull = ---
  105. bullet = ---
  106. bulletin = ---
  107. bullion = ---
  108. bully = ---
  109. bungalow = (bungaloe)
  110. buoy = ---
  111. buoyant = ---
  112. bureaucracy = burocracy
  113. bureaucrat = burocrat
  114. bureaucratic = burocratic
  115. burgher = (burger)
  116. burial = berial
  117. burrow = (burroe)
  118. bury = bery
  119. bush = (boosh)
  120. bushel = (booshel)
  121. business = bisness, bizness
  122. bustle = (bussle)
  123. busy = bisy
  124. butcher = (bootcher)
  125. buy = ---
  126. buyer = ---
  127. calf = caf, calf
  128. caliph = calif
  129. calm = ---
  130. campaign = campain, campane
  131. canoe = canoo
  132. captain = (capten)
  133. carcase = carcass
  134. castle = (cassle)
  135. catastrophe =   catastrofy
  136. caught = caut
  137. ceiling = ceeling
  138. cenotaph = cenotaf
  139. certain = (certen)
  140. certainly = (certenly)
  141. chamber = (chaimber)
  142. chameleon = cameleon
  143. champagne = champain, champane
  144. change = (chainge)
  145. chaos = caos
  146. chaotic = caotic
  147. chaplain = (chaplen)
  148. character = caracter
  149. characteristic = caracteristic
  150. charisma = carisma
  151. chasm = casm
  152. chauffeur = ---, (shoefer!?)
  153. chemical = kemical
  154. chemist = kemist
  155. chemistry = kemistry
  156. chieftain = (chieften)
  157. child = ---
  158. chocolate = (chocolat)
  159. choir = ---, (quier!?)
  160. cholera = colera
  161. chord = cord
  162. chorus = corus
  163. Christ = ---, (Criste?)
  164. Christian = (Cristian?)
  165. Christmas = (Cristmas?)
  166. chronicle = cronicle
  167. circuit = cirkit
  168. cleanse = clense, (clenze?)
  169. climate = (climat)
  170. climb = (clime)
  171. climber = climer
  172. climbing = climing
  173. cocoa = cocoe
  174. colleague = colleag
  175. colonel = curnel
  176. color = (cullor)
  177. column = ---
  178. comb = coam
  179. come = (cum)
  180. comely = (cumly)
  181. coming = (cumming)
  182. comrade = comrad, comrade
  183. conceit = conceet
  184. conceive = conceev(e)
  185. consign = consine
  186. contrabass =     contrabace
  187. contour = (contoor)
  188. control = control, (controle)
  189. controller = controler
  190. controlling = controling
  191. corps = (cor)
  192. cough = coff
  193. could = cood
  194. couldn't = coodn't
  195. country = (cuntry?)
  196. couple = cupple
  197. courage = currage
  198. courageous = currageous
  199. courier = (coorrier)
  200. course = corse
  201. court = cort
  202. courteous = curteous, corteous
  203. courtesy = curtesy, cortesy
  204. cousin = (cuzzin!)
  205. covenant = (cuvenant)
  206. cover = ---
  207. covet = (kuvet?)
  208. crepe = crape
  209. crow = (croe)
  210. cruise = cruse
  211. crumb = crum
  212. cuckoo = (coockoo?!)
  213. cupboard = (cubbord)
  214. curtain = (curten)
  215. cushion = (cooshion)
  216. czar = (zar)
  217. damn = ---
  218. danger = (dainger)
  219. dangerous = (daingerous)
  220. daughter = dauter
  221. dead = ded
  222. deadline = dedline
  223. deadly = dedly
  224. deaf = def, (deff)
  225. deafen = deffen
  226. dealt = delt
  227. dearth = derth
  228. death = deth
  229. debris = debri?, debree?
  230. debt = det, dett
  231. debtor = dettor
  232. debut = (debue?), (debu!?)
  233. deceit = deceet
  234. deceive = deceev(e)
  235. definite = definit
  236. deign = dein
  237. depot = depo
  238. desert = ---
  239. design = desine
  240. dessert = (dezert?)
  241. destine = destin
  242. determine = determin
  243. discipline = disciplin
  244. discourage = discurrage
  245. discourse = discorse
  246. discover = ---
  247. discovery = ---
  248. do = (doo)
  249. doctrine = doctrin
  250. does = dus
  251. doesn't = dusn't
  252. dolphin = dolfin
  253. don't = (doen't)?
  254. done = (dun)
  255. door = (dor)
  256. doorway = (dorway)
  257. double = dubble
  258. doubt = dout
  259. doubtful = doutful
  260. doubtless = doutless
  261. dough = doe, doh
  262. doughnut = donut
  263. doughty = dowty
  264. doughy = doey, (dohey?)
  265. dove = (duv)
  266. downpour = downpoar
  267. dozen = (duzzen)
  268. dread = dred
  269. dreadful = dredful
  270. drought = drout
  271. dumb = dum
  272. earl = erl
  273. early = erly
  274. earn = ern
  275. earnest = ernest
  276. earth = erth
  277. eaves = (eavs)
  278. echo = ecko
  279. eh = eih(!)
  280. eight = eit
  281. eighteen = eiteen
  282. eighth = eith
  283. eighty = eity
  284. either = ---
  285. elbow = (elboe)
  286. elephant = elefant
  287. elves = (elvs)
  288. emphasize = emfasize
  289. encourage = encurrage
  290. endeavor = endevor
  291. engine = engin
  292. enlighten = enliten
  293. enlightenment = enlitenment
  294. enough = enuff
  295. epitaph = epitaf
  296. epoch = epoc
  297. ere = ---
  298. escargot = escargo
  299. etiquette = etikette(?)
  300. Europe = Europ(!)
  301. everywhere = everywhare(!)
  302. ewe = ew(?)
  303. exaggerate = exagerate
  304. exalt = exault?
  305. examine = examin
  306. exchange = (exchainge)
  307. exhaust = exaust
  308. exhibit = exibit
  309. extraordinary = (extrordinary?)
  310. eye = ---
  311. falcon = ---
  312. famine = famin
  313. fasten = fassen
  314. fastener = fassener
  315. fatigue = (fateeg)
  316. favorite = favorit
  317. feather = fether
  318. feign = fein
  319. fellow = (felloe)
  320. feminine = feminin
  321. fiery = firey
  322. flight = flite, flyte
  323. flood = flud
  324. flooding = fludding
  325. floor = (flor)
  326. flourish = flurrish
  327. flow = (floe)
  328. folk = (foak), (foke)
  329. follow = (folloe)
  330. follower = (folloer)
  331. following= (folloeing)
  332. forehead = forehed
  333. foreign = forin, (forren)
  334. forfeit = forfet
  335. forgive = forgiv
  336. fought = faut
  337. fountain = (founten)
  338. four = (foar)
  339. fourteen = (foarteen)
  340. fourth = foarth
  341. freight = freit
  342. freightage = freitage
  343. freighter = freiter
  344. friend = frend
  345. friendly = frendly
  346. friendship = frendship
  347. front = (frunt)
  348. frontier = (fruntier)
  349. fruit = frute
  350. fruition = ---
  351. full = ---
  352. fully = ---
  353. furrow = (furroe)
  354. gallows = (galloes)
  355. garage = (garaage?!)
  356. gauge = gage, (gaige)
  357. genuine = genuin
  358. geography = geografy
  359. ghastly = gastly
  360. ghost = goast (cf. coast, roast, toast)
  361. ginger = ---
  362. give = (giv)
  363. given = ---
  364. glisten = glissen
  365. glove = (gluv)
  366. glow = (gloe)
  367. gone = (gon)
  368. grange = (grainge)
  369. granite = granit
  370. graphite = grafite
  371. great = grait
  372. greatly = graitly
  373. gross = ---, (grose)
  374. grotesque = grotesk
  375. group = groop, grupe
  376. grow = (groe)
  377. grown = (groen)
  378. growth = (groeth)
  379. guarantee = garantee
  380. guaranty = garanty
  381. guard = gard
  382. guardant = gardant
  383. guardian = gardian
  384. guinea = guinney(!)
  385. half = ---
  386. hallow = (halloe)
  387. halve = ---, (halv)
  388. handkerchief = (hankerchif)
  389. handsome = (handsom)
  390. have = hav
  391. haven't = havn't
  392. head = hedd
  393. header = hedder
  394. heading = hedding
  395. health = helth
  396. healthy = helthy
  397. heard = herd
  398. hearken = harken
  399. heart = hart
  400. hearth = harth
  401. heather = hether
  402. heaven = heven
  403. heavily = hevily
  404. heavy = hevy
  405. heifer = heffer
  406. height = hight, hite
  407. heir = ---, eir
  408. hemisphere = hemisfere
  409. heroine = heroin
  410. hoard = (hord)
  411. hollow = (holloe)
  412. honest = (onnest)
  413. honey = ---
  414. honeycomb = honeycoam
  415. honor = ---
  416. horde = (hord)
  417. hour = ---
  418. hurrah = hoorrah
  419. hustle = hussle
  420. hymn = ---, hym
  421. hypocrite = hypocrit
  422. I've = I'v
  423. imagine = imagin
  424. improve = improove
  425. improvement = improovement
  426. income = (incum)
  427. indebted = indetted
  428. indictment = inditement(!), indytement(?)
  429. infinite = infinit
  430. injure = injur, injure
  431. instead = insted
  432. insurance = inshurance
  433. intestine = intestin
  434. intrigue = intreeg
  435. iron = iorn(!)
  436. island = iland
  437. isle = ile
  438. isthmus = istmus
  439. jealous = jellous
  440. jealousy = jellousy
  441. jostle = jossle
  442. journal = jurnal
  443. journalism = jurnalism
  444. journalist = jurnalist
  445. journey = jurney
  446. juice = juce
  447. juicy = jucy
  448. key = kee
  449. knight = knite
  450. knoll = knole
  451. know = (knoe)
  452. knowledge = knolledge
  453. known = (knoen)
  454. lacquer = lacker
  455. lamb = lam
  456. laugh = laff, laf
  457. laughter = laffter, lafter
  458. lawsuit = lawsute
  459. lava = ---
  460. league = leag
  461. learn = lern
  462. leather = lether
  463. leaven = leven
  464. leisure = lesure, leisure
  465. leopard = leppard, lepard
  466. lettuce = lettus
  467. lichen = liken, lichen
  468. limb = lim
  469. -limbed = -limmed
  470. liquor = licor, liccor
  471. listen = lissen
  472. listener = lissener
  473. listening = lissening
  474. light = lite
  475. lightening = litening
  476. lighter = liter(!) cf. litre
  477. lightning = litening
  478. live = liv
  479. live-in = liv-in
  480. livelong = livlong
  481. live-out = liv-out
  482. loathsome = (loathsom)
  483. loose = ---
  484. lose = ---
  485. love = (luv)
  486. lovely = (luvly)
  487. lover = (luver)
  488. low = (loe)
  489. lower = (loer)
  490. machine = macheen
  491. machinery = macheenery
  492. magazine = magazeen
  493. maneuver = (manoover)
  494. manger = (mainger)
  495. many = ---, (meny)
  496. marine = (mareen)
  497. marrow = (marroe)
  498. masculine = masculin
  499. masquerade = maskerade
  500. massacre = (massaker)
  501. mayonnaise = mayonaze
  502. meadow = meddoe, (medow)
  503. meant = (ment)
  504. measure = mesure
  505. mechanical = mecanical
  506. mechanism = mecanism
  507. medicine = medicin
  508. melancholy = melancoly
  509. memoir = ---
  510. metamorphosis = metamorfosis
  511. microphone = microfone
  512. minute = (minnut), minit
  513. mischief = (mischif)
  514. mischievous = (mischivous)
  515. mitochondria = mitocondria
  516. monarch = monark
  517. monarchy = monarky
  518. money = ---
  519. mortgage = (morgage)
  520. mosquito moskeeto
  521. most = ---
  522. mountain = (mounten)
  523. mourn = moarn
  524. move = moove
  525. movement = moovement
  526. mover = moover
  527. movie = moovie
  528. mow = (moe)
  529. muscle = muscel
  530. mustache = mustash(!)
  531. narrow = (narroe)
  532. naughty = nauty
  533. neigh = ney
  534. neighbor = neibor, nabor
  535. neighborhood = neiborhood, naborhood
  536. neighboring = neiboring, naboring
  537. neither = ---
  538. nephew = nefew
  539. nestle = nessle
  540. night = nite
  541. ninth = nineth
  542. none = nun(!?)
  543. nothing = (nuthing)
  544. nought = naut
  545. nourish = nurrish
  546. nuisance = nusance
  547. numb = num
  548. nymph = nymf
  549. oblique = (obleek?)
  550. of = ---
  551. off = ---
  552. often = ---
  553. olive = (oliv)
  554. once = (wunce)
  555. one = (wun)
  556. only = ---, oenly (?!)
  557. opposite = opposit
  558. orchestra = orkestra
  559. orphan = orfan
  560. other = ---
  561. ought = ---, aught(?!)
  562. ourselves = (ourselvs)
  563. overcome = (overcum)
  564. overview = overvew
  565. overweigh = overwey
  566. overweight = overweit
  567. owe = oe(?!)
  568. own = oan
  569. owner = oaner
  570. palm = ---
  571. pamphlet = pamflet
  572. paragraph = paragraf
  573. parliament = parlament
  574. patriot = ---
  575. patrol = patrol, (patrole)
  576. pear = peir
  577. pearl = perl
  578. peasant = pesant
  579. people = peeple
  580. perceive = perceeve
  581. persuade = perswade
  582. persuasion = perswasion
  583. persuasive = perswasive
  584. phantom = fantom
  585. phase = fase
  586. pheasant = fesant
  587. phenomenon = fenomenon
  588. philosophy = filosofy
  589. phone = fone
  590. phonograph = fonograf
  591. phosphate = fosfate
  592. phosphoric = fosforic
  593. photograph = fotograf
  594. phrase = frase
  595. physical = fysical
  596. physician = fysician
  597. physique = fysique, fyseek?
  598. picturesque = picturesk
  599. pillow = (pilloe)
  600. pint = (pinte)
  601. pique = piek (!)
  602. plague = plaig
  603. plaid = plad
  604. plait = ---, (plat)
  605. pleasant = plesant
  606. pleasure = plesure
  607. pneumonia = neumonia, (pneumonia)
  608. police = (poleece?!)
  609. poll = poal(?!)
  610. porcelain = (porcelen)
  611. porpoise = (porpus)
  612. portrait = (portret)
  613. possess = posess
  614. possession = posession
  615. poultry = poltry
  616. pour = poar
  617. prayer = (prair)
  618. premise = premiss (n)
  619. premise = premise (v)
  620. prestige = (prestiege)
  621. pretty = pritty
  622. promise = promiss
  623. prophet = profet
  624. prove = proove
  625. psalm = ---
  626. psych = psyke
  627. psychic = psykic
  628. psychology = psycology
  629. pudding = ---, pooding (?!)
  630. punish = punnish
  631. punishable = (punnishable)
  632. punishment = (punnishment)
  633. purchase = (purchass)
  634. purpose = purposs
  635. pursuit = pursute
  636. push = ---
  637. put = ---
  638. rainbow = (rainboe)
  639. range = (rainge)
  640. raspberry = rasberry, razberry
  641. ravine = raveen
  642. read = red, redd
  643. readily = reddily
  644. readiness = reddiness
  645. ready = reddy
  646. realm = relm
  647. receipt = receet
  648. receive = receeve
  649. rehearse = reherse
  650. reign = rein, rane
  651. remove = remoove
  652. requisite = requisit
  653. research = reserch
  654. researcher = resercher
  655. reservoir = ---
  656. resign = resine
  657. respite = respit, respite
  658. restaurant = ???
  659. review = revew
  660. rhetoric = retoric
  661. rheumatism = reumatism
  662. rhinoceros = rinoceros
  663. rhyme = ryme, rime
  664. rhythm = rythm
  665. rind = rinde(?!)
  666. rogue = roag
  667. roll = roal, role
  668. rouge = ---, rooge
  669. rough = ruff
  670. route = ---
  671. routine = rooteen, ruteen
  672. row = (roe)
  673. rustle = russle
  674. ruthless = ---, (rutheless)
  675. said = sed
  676. salmon = (sammon), salmon
  677. sanguine = sanguin
  678. sapphire = saffire
  679. sault = su(!), soo(!)
  680. says = ---
  681. scarce = scairce
  682. scarcely = scaircely
  683. schedule = skedule, shedule
  684. schematic = skematic
  685. scheme = skeme
  686. scholar = scolar
  687. scholarship = scolarship
  688. scholastic = scolastic
  689. school = scool
  690. schooner = scooner
  691. scourge = scurge
  692. scroll = scrole
  693. search = serch
  694. seize = seeze
  695. sepulcher = sepulcre, sepulker
  696. sergeant = sergent, (sargent)
  697. sew = soe
  698. shadow =(shadoe)
  699. shallow = (shalloe)
  700. shelves = (shelvs)
  701. shepherd = shepperd
  702. shoe = shue
  703. should = shood
  704. shoulder = sholder
  705. shove = (shuv)
  706. shovel = (shuvel)
  707. show = ---, (sho)
  708. shown = ---, (shoen)
  709. sieve = (siv)
  710. sign = (sine)
  711. silhouette = silhooette(!)
  712. ski = skee
  713. slaughter = slauter
  714. sleigh = sley
  715. sleight = slyte
  716. slow = (sloe)
  717. slowly = (sloely)
  718. sluice = sluce
  719. snow = (snoe)
  720. sojourn = sojurn
  721. solemn = ---, (sollem)
  722. some = (som?)
  723. somehow = (somhow)
  724. someone = (somwun)
  725. something = (somthing)
  726. sometime = (somtime)
  727. sometimes = (somtimes)
  728. somewhat = (somwhat)
  729. somewhere = (somwhare)
  730. son = ---
  731. sophisticated = sofisticated
  732. sorrow = (sorroe)
  733. sought = saut
  734. soul = soal
  735. soup = (soop), (supe)
  736. source = sorce
  737. sovereign sovren
  738. sow /sou/ = (soe)
  739. sparrow = (sparroe)
  740. sphere = sfere
  741. sponge = (spunge)
  742. spread = spred
  743. stead = sted
  744. steadfast = stedfast
  745. steadily = steddily
  746. steady = steddy
  747. steak = staik
  748. stealth = stelth
  749. stealthy = stelthy
  750. stenographer = stenografer
  751. stomach = stummac
  752. stow = (stoe)
  753. straight = strate
  754. strange = (strainge)
  755. stranger = (strainger)
  756. stroll strole
  757. study = (studdy)
  758. suasion = swasion
  759. suasive = swasive
  760. suave = ---
  761. suavity = ---
  762. subpoena = subpena
  763. subtle = suttle
  764. suede = (swade?)
  765. sugar = shugar
  766. suit = sute
  767. suite = swete, (suite)
  768. sure = shure
  769. surely = shurely
  770. survey = (survay)
  771. swallow = (swalloe)
  772. swear = swair
  773. sweat = swet
  774. sweater = swetter
  775. swollen = swolen
  776. sword = sord
  777. symphony = symfony
  778. tachograph = tacograf
  779. tachometer = tacometer
  780. tallow = (talloe)
  781. tear = tair
  782. technical = tecnical
  783. technique = tecneek?, tecnique?
  784. telegraph = telegraf
  785. telephone = telefone
  786. themselves = themselvs
  787. there = (thare)
  788. therefore = (tharefore)
  789. they're = they'r
  790. they've = they'v
  791. thieves = thievs(?)
  792. thistle = thissle
  793. thorough = (thurro), thoro
  794. thoroughly = (thurroly), thoroly
  795. though = tho
  796. thought = thaut
  797. thread = thred
  798. threat = thret
  799. threaten = thretten
  800. threatening = threttening
  801. through = thru
  802. throughout = thruout
  803. throw = throe
  804. thrown = (throen)
  805. thumb = thum
  806. tiresome = (tiresom)
  807. toll = toal, tole
  808. tomb = toom
  809. tomorrow = (tomorroe)
  810. tongue = (tung)
  811. tortoise = (tortus)
  812. touch = tuch, tutch
  813. tough = tuff
  814. tour = (toor)
  815. tourist = (toorist)
  816. tournament = turnament, (toornament, tornament)
  817. tow = (toe)
  818. toward = ---, (tord)
  819. towards = ---, (tords)
  820. treacherous = trecherous
  821. treachery = trechery
  822. tread = tred
  823. treadle = treddle
  824. treadmill = tredmill
  825. treasure = tresure
  826. treatise = treatis
  827. treble = (trebble)
  828. triple = (tripple)
  829. triumph = triumf
  830. troll = (trole)
  831. trophy = trofy
  832. trouble = trubble
  833. troublesome = trubblesom(e)
  834. trough = troff
  835. truth = (trueth), truth
  836. two = ---
  837. typhoid = tyfoid
  838. uncouth = uncooth
  839. underweight = underweit
  840. undoubtedly = undoutedly
  841. unfriendly = unfrendly
  842. unhealthy = unhelthy
  843. unique = ---
  844. unknown = unknoen
  845. unleaded = unledded
  846. unsteady = unsteddy
  847. vague = vaig
  848. vaudeville = vaudevill
  849. victuals = vittles
  850. view = vew
  851. villain = (villen)
  852. vineyard = vinyard
  853. vogue = voag
  854. wallow = (walloe?)
  855. water = wauter
  856. we're = we'r
  857. we've = we'v
  858. wealth = welth
  859. wealthy = welthy
  860. weapon = weppon
  861. wear = wair
  862. weather = wether
  863. Wednesday = Wensday
  864. weigh =wey
  865. weight =weit
  866. weird = weerd
  867. welcome = (welcum)
  868. were = wer
  869. weren't = wern't
  870. where = ---, (whare)
  871. wherefore = (wharefore)
  872. wherever = (wharever)
  873. whistle = whissle
  874. whole = (hoal)
  875. wholesome = hoalsom(e)
  876. whoop = (hoope?)
  877. widow = (widdoe)
  878. willow = (willoe)
  879. window = (windoe)
  880. wolf = woolf
  881. wolves = woolv(e)s
  882. woman = (wooman)
  883. womb = woom
  884. women = wimmen
  885. woolly = wooly
  886. would = wood
  887. wouldn't = woodn't
  888. wound = woond (n)
  889. wrestle = wressle
  890. wrought = wraut
  891. yacht = yot
  892. yea = yay
  893. yearn = yern
  894. yellow = (yelloe)
  895. yeoman = yoman, yoeman
  896. you = ---
  897. young = yung
  898. your = ---
  899. yours = ---
  900. yourself = ---
  901. youth = yuth, yooth
  902. zealot = zellot
  903. zealous = zellous