Each short vowel has to be spelled with one single letter.
If any short vowel is spelled with two or three vowel letters combination, it should be regarded as
an exception to be modifyed.
The "gh" digraph should be respelled with f or ff when it sounds like /f/.
Spellings of words where "-augh-" has "af" sound
draught | --- draft |
laugh | --- laff |
laughter | --- lafter |
Spellings of words where "-augh-" has au/aw sound
--- ex. aught, caught, daughter, distraught, fraught, haughty, manslaughter, mistaught, naught, naughty, onslaught, self-taught, slaughter, taught, uncaught, untaught.
Traditional Spelling | --- Simpler Spelling with "gh" dropped |
aught | --- no change(?) |
caught | --- caut |
daughter | --- dauter, dawter |
distraught | --- distraut |
fraught | --- fraut |
haughty | --- hauty |
manslaughter | --- manslauter |
mistaught | --- mistaut |
naught | --- naut |
naughty | --- nauty |
onslaught | --- onslaut |
self-taught | --- self-taut |
slaughter | --- slauter |
taught | --- taut |
uncaught | --- uncaut |
untaught | --- untaut |
For more -augh- words, please visit http://www.morewords.com/contains/augh/.
bough --- no change
plough --- plow
hiccough --- hiccup
cough --- coff
trough --- troff
chough --- (chuff)(Homophones exist.)
enough --- enuff
rough --- ruff
tough --- tuff
dough --- doh
doughnut --- donut
furlough --- furlow, furloe(?)
although --- altho
though --- tho
through --- thru
thorough --- (thoro)
borough --- (boro)
Insted of "nought", we often use "naught". But we cannot use "aught" for "ought", both of which should be retained.
Words such as "bought", "brought", "fought", "sought", "thought", and "wrought" rhyme. These rhyme with "caught" and "taught", too.
(--- Optionally, respell "ough" as "au", as to these words.)
Traditional Spelling | --- Simpler Spelling with "gh" dropped |
afterthought | --- afterthaut |
besought | --- besaut |
bought | --- baut |
brought | --- braut |
forethought | --- forethaut |
fought | --- faut |
nought | --- naut |
overwrought | --- overwraut |
sought | --- saut |
thought | --- thaut |
wrought | --- wraut |
However, these two words below hav no analogy to the above-mentioned words.
doughty --- dowty
drought --- drout
OUGH: American English pronunciation
Split digraphs : a_e, e_e, i_e, o_e, u_e.
Why split? Why not put them together?
Why not ae, ee, ie, oe, ue? They wood merge with "polite vowels".
(However, "nice" cannot be "niec". Wood be "nyce".)
Avoid "split digraphs". (Derivatives are affected.)
◎a-e⇒ae (make→maek)
◎e-e⇒ee (extreme→extreem)
◎i-e⇒-y-e (nice→nyce)
◎o-e⇒oe (home→hoem)
◎u-e⇒ue (cute→cuet)
Retain the dubbled consonant letters in words when followed by endings such as -e, -ed, -en, -er, -est, -et, -ing, -a, -o, -y. For example: steppe, missed, sudden, supper, biggest, bonnet, cutting, gonna, hippo, happy, etc.
Retain the dubbled consonant letters at word end. For example: add, butt, err, inn, jazz, miss, off, purr, sell, etc.
cough == coff
enough == enuff
laugh == laff
rough == ruff
tough == tuff
trough == troff
archive == arkive
chameleon == cameleon
chaos == caos
chaotic == caotic
character == caracter
Optionally, use "f" for the "ph" when it has the /f/ sound.
apostrophe == apostrofy
catastrophe == catastrofy
cenotaph == cenotaf
elephant == elefant
epitaph == epitaf
phantom == fantom
photograph == fotograf
sophisticate == sofisticate
telephone == telefoen
(However, we retain "phat" and "phishing", for example)
Remoove surplus letters. Not every silent letter will be cut. Retain initial letters. Retain ck, tch, and wh.
alignment == (alinement)
asthma == asma
beauty == beuty
bureaucracy == burocracy
chaos == caos
comb == coam ("Cut one, add one.")
feather == fether
juice == juice (to avoid a split digraph "u_e")
juicy == juicy (to avoid a split digraph "u_e")
knight == knight (Retain an initial silent letter.)
night == night (Retain a mixed trigraph "-igh".)
pleasure == plesure
ready == reddy ("Cut one, add one.")
realm == relm
steady == steddy ("Cut one, add one.")
tomb == toom ("Cut one, add one.")
womb == woom ("Cut one, add one.")